Thursday, February 23, 2012

Sixty minus forty equals twenty. That's like a whole other adult.

Love you my much older cousin! What was I freaking out about forty for? Seriously we love you lots and hope you have an amazing day! Love, Laurie, Chuck and Annabelle, too!

I never felt old until....

Lynn said last night she never thought of me as old until she realized you were 60.  Thanks Al, I hope you're happy.


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Happy Birthday Uncle Al!

Happy 60th birthday Uncle Al!

I was just remembering from when I was a kid when you would come to visit the same week as Uncle Bob.  You would tell us you were Uncle Bob and he would tell us he was you, and then you would say you were Uncle Al again.  Randi and I were totally confused, but I am sure it was a lot of fun for you two.  Just wanted to share that funny memory and wish you a happy birthday!


Happy 60th Al!!!!!

Happy Birthday CUZ! Remembering all the good times shared during these 60 years especially in Grammy's basement and who could forget those trips to Two Guys (from Harrison)?, etc. etc.


Happy Birthday My Nephew

Hi Al - SIXTY YEARS!!!!!!  Yikes, and we still love you - amazing!  What's even more amazing is that we
still remember who you are!!! 
Seriously, you are one of the best and Uncle Rich and I want to wish you a wonderfully HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND A FABULOUS 60th YEAR.
Hope you and Mo can come down to the Jersey shore this summer - sure would love to you both again!!!.  
Love you lots, Aunt Bernice and Uncle Rich

Happy Birthday. I Would Make the Font Larger if I Could.

I would say you were mom and dad's favorite child, but they did end up trying four more times and they stopped when they had me.  In fact, rumor has it when I was delivered, mom and dad looked at one another, smiled, and gave eachother a high five.   

I am not going to make fun of your age.  40 was a good age to make fun of.  Making fun of your age now could cause you to have a medical event, and I don't want to  be the one responsible for making your insurance premiums go up.

All joking aside, you have been a great brother.  It is always fun to text back and forth with you on Sundays when the Eagles are losing or when Phil is in the lead.  You have have always been there to lend me advice, straighten me out, or make me laugh.  I think back to all the weddings, reunions, and get-togethers and honestly they wouldn't have been the same without you.       

I'll never understand the Yankees thing and especially the Bills thing, but hey, it is your life.     

You have an amazing family, your kids are awesome, and I have Monica to thank personally for the last 12 years.  She told me that she would kill me if I didn't marry Sandra, and I am pretty certain she was being serious.

Yes, you are still the master of the self picture, but you have had a lot more time to practice.  As you can see, I am still trying.

We love you a ton!



Photos of Al

Happy 60th From Saco Maine

Al all the best on your Milestone day, WOW!  Hope all is well and you have a Very happy Birthday. I would continue with a joke here but my Mother taught me to respect my elders.

                                                                                        Bob, Lyn ,Samantha and Mollie
Hey Al,
It's me again.  You may may be 60 years old, but I've only known you for 56 of those years.  What you did those first four years, I have no idea.  I guess I should thank you again for loaning me your Yashica camera while you were at the academy, while I was saving my money to buy my own. 

You have a lot to be proud of, I lot to be thankful for...a loving wife, two great sons, a wonderful daughter-in-law and beautiful grandchildren.  I'm sure they all feel the same way about you.

Have a great birthday.  I love you.


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

From Hawaii

OK,  I have been telecommunications for 43 years, and this is my first blog, so I'm trying to follow all the instructions carefully.  I'm here to wish Albert happy 60th from the Eaton's in Hawaii.  I guess I'm an older cousin.  We wish many more Happy years with family friends.  I hope we will be able to meet in person one day.

Russ, Joey, and Christian Eaton

Happy 60th Al!

Congratulations Al, you are now old enough to use your back, or your confused mind as an excuse to get out of just about anything you don’t want to have to do.  Happy 60th birthday!

Thanks for helping to make the family get togethers so memorable! 

Hey Al - Happy 60th! 
Special memories of 11 years ago (when you were 49!!!) in CH, sharing a visit to the Swiss 1/4th of our genes. Can't believe it was 2001 we we ventured to explore and spend time getting to know each other better and our great aunts and uncles and some lovely cousins - might not have been able to place it if that sweet, tiny little Nate wasn't in the pictures.
Rafz, Wetzikon, Bern, Zermatt, Luzerne, lakes, Alps, glaciers, family dinners, Matterhorn, raclette, spatzle, Ros, Schaggi, Freda, Freddi, Irene, Alfred, Ursi, Hans, Ueli, Anneleis, Annamarie, (remember Flavio?).  OK, I'm ready to head back...

May 60 bring more opportunities to share time with family and friends.

Love to you on this milestone and always.
   Linda, Ken and Nate

Happy Birthday, Dad!

Among the many things you've taught me in life, thanks for passing on your skills of the self-photo - here is a pic from one of our OBX vacations. I predict another self-photo in your near future.
Happy 60th!

Love, Ryan
Prost! Dear Al...
As Schaggi would say
Happy Birthday, Al!
Sending wishes from the Maine Eatons
for a wonderful day and the best year ever!

Monday, February 20, 2012

There were so many funny things I was going to post, and Meg kept telling me, "You can't say that".  OK, so I'm not going to say anything about Al turning 60 and being so old and all since Meg thinks it will hurt poor Al's feelings.  Me, I'm thinking, heck at his age, he will forget who left anything that upset him; and if he does remember it, he will almost certainly blame one of his brothers and I'm off the hook.  Nevertheless, I'm going to defer to Meg.

Al, I hope you have a great birthday!  I was going through pictures to see if I could find one worthy of posting.  It turns out that I failed miserably at this.  I could not find one.  I could, however, find MANY.  I quickly came to realize that whenever some of us get together, Al is ALWAYS there.  Thanks, Al, for making family a priority.

I've always treasured the examples that our parents and grandparents set for us.  As we all are aging, I'm seeing you set the same examples for the rest of us.  Al, you are a class act in every way.  You make us proud, you make us laugh, you make us cherish you!

Thanks for being exactly who you are – have a great birthday!

Jamie & Meg

I want to know how Al got so old and Mo still looks the same?

Happy Birthday Dad!

Good times with my Dad atop one of the peaks in the Adirondacks. Here's to many more adventures!  Happy Birthday Dad. 

Love, Matt

Happy Birthday To My Father-in-Law!

This picture pretty much sums up Al because he is a lot of fun!

It's been wonderful being a part of the Eaton family, and clearly he did a great job raising his boys since I married one of them!

Happy Birthday!!


Happy Birthday Papa!

Happy 60th Birthday Papa! We hope you have a wonderful birthday! We know we are a lot to keep up with but you are still young at heart! Thanks for being so much fun!

Megan & Charlotte

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Happy Birthday Al

Immediately I thought, 60, really.  Wow that’s a long time.  Monica, must have been like 7 or 8 years old when they married.  That’s weird, oh well…

I jotted down a few memories and unfortunately they might not mean a great deal to anyone but me, however they were great moments for me because of Al, I had a smile on my face the whole time thinking of all the fun I’ve had with my Cousin Al, MY Godfather.

My “blocks pajamas”-My folks were so proud of their nephew at the naval academy and Al had bought me a pair of pj’s with blocks on them.  Just this past week my Mom and I were laughing about how I looked forward to bedtime because I would always say, “I can’t go to bed with my blocks everywhere,  Cousin Al wouldn’t go to bed with his blocks scattered everywhere, right.”  We would just all laugh and next thing I would know I’d be in bed sooner than I should be.

Go Navy-Anyone that doesn’t think this is a unique thought didn’t have a soldier for a father.  Don’t get me wrong I did/have/will love my Dad very much, however I think he understood why I rooted for Navy in the Army-Navy game.  This thought passed when Al left active duty with the Navy and my father forgave me for my impure thoughts, ha.  Seriously, that is how much my Dad respected Al.  That’s pretty cool.

Me, chasing Al around my backyard with my Star Trek Gun-I know Al doesn’t remember this, however I remember him coming to visit our house and it was the best weekend ever.  I can remember it like it was yesterday.  I must have made him circle our house 100 times shooting him with my play gun.  I laugh just thinking about it.  Honestly, I’m laughing while I type this.

Meeting Monica-to be honest it may have been the same weekend of the Star Trek gun (ironically, I never liked Star Trek…I think Al did right? I remember trying to like Star Trek because he liked it).  I recall being  a little suspect of anyone barging in on my cousin/godfather’s attention, however that didn’t last long.  “Why” you may ask?  “Have you met Monica?” is my answer.  I still think he out kicked his coverage in that regard.

Watching Al smoke a cigar at his wedding- At Al’s reception, I watched him with a cigar in his mouth and I thought my world came to an end.   My hero smoked?  Seriously, my Mom had to console me by telling me Johnny Bench and Dave Concepcion did things that weren’t perfect and they are still good people.  This was a lot for a kid to grasp.

Lots of great cousin time-Through the years, I was always proud that when our family needed a strong cousin, Al would always take the lead in tough times.  He still does it to this day.  Thanks Al.

Going to Cooperstown with Al and really coming to the reality that he is a Yankee fan-This was a tough one.  I guess I knew from his wedding reception that he wasn’t perfect.  I just really didn’t know he was that much of a Yankee Fan.  I love the Gloff family (Bigtime Yankee Fans) more than you can ever know.  This is just tough stuff for us Watkins’ boys to grasp.  A Yankee fan.  Ten years ago, I think it was just after his 50th, I stopped by his place on a trip and we went through Cooperstown together.   The best part was how much we were in our own world, and lost track of each other as I followed the Reds’ dominance of the seventies display and he followed some team that is “so vice they named it twice.”  We seriously would find ourselves in different wings of the museum in just ten minutes.  Funny thing is I never felt like Al left my side.

I’m sure everyone has a different a description of Al Eaton.  That’s mine.  Hey Al, thanks for being MY Cousin and MY Godfather.   I know I’M Blessed.

My Favorite Photo of the Eaton Boys!

Happy Birthday Al!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Happy 60th Al!
As hard as I try to be like you, I always seem to be about ten years behind!  It's a worthy goal, one shared by many, but who could ever measure up to a cousin like you?!  Well, who except Joyce.  And Donna.  And Cathy and Bob and Gary and Bill and Eric and Cheryl and Lisa and Pat and Linda?!  Go cousins!  Great catching up over dinner a couple of weeks ago.  Holler if you're in the area again and have a free night.  Happy Birthday!
Love, Mike

Thursday, February 16, 2012

My Nephew Al

I have a nephew named "Al"
  and he's married to a wonderful gal.

He has family who loves him to pieces--
family made up of aunts, uncles, cousins,
  nephews and nieces.

Each year he's more treasured
  by a family's love that can't be measured.

I don't mean to sound "sappy" --
  but he just makes us very happy!

So - I just want to say:
Have a Happy Birth Day!!

I Love You, Al...From Your Aunt Dee

P.S.  Now you know where all the talent is in our family!  LOL have my permission to have this published!  LOL again!!

How are you feeling? LOL!

Two old guys were sitting under a tree, watching the sun go down. One says, "You know, I'm 60 years old and my body is full of aches and pains. You're about my age. How do you feel?"
The other guy says, "Oh, I feel like a newborn baby."
"Really," says the first guy.
"Yep," says the second one. "No teeth, no hair and I think I just wet my pants."

Hope you have the best birthday ever Al!!!!!!!!   We love you.

Hey Al,
   Almost 60....hmm.  I'm just happy I was able to log on.  I will add something later after I've had a while to think about what I want to say.  Here's a pic from Boston in 2003.  Enjoy it again and enjoy your birthday


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy birthday, Al!

It seems like only yesterday that you left home for Annapolis!  A lot has happened in the years since - marrying Monica, having two fine sons (and now 2 granddaughters!), successful careers with the Navy and Lockheed Martin.  God has blessed you abundantly and you have much to be thankful for.  We're thankful to have you as our brother.  Enjoy your birthday and your celebratory cruise to the Caribbean.


Bob and Cathie

A family treasure!!


First and foremost, Happy Birthday.  I hope we get the luxury of having you in our family for another 60 years!!  You are and have been one of the best parts of our family,  always going out of your way to be where you need to be in both happy and sad times. You are funny, caring and loving.  In a nutshell, you are an inspiration!!

If I could just take up a moment of your time to go down memory lane (I do not want to take up too much time, hehe the clock is ticking at 60).  I remember seeing you for at one of our family weddings and you told me about the tee shirts you and your friends made up for a cruise that said "Al's Pals".  Well, that says a lot.  It is a testimony of how well liked you are!  I also wanted to share that my Dad was a big fan of yours and I honestly can say I know why.  Lastly, I really enjoyed having you as a houseguest.  The next time you are in Jersey, please know that you have a room with a bed whenever you like!  And to be respectful, I will have a stepstool next to the bed since you are now 60 and will probably need the lift!!!

Anyway, I am sure there are a gazillion of these postings, so I will not be gradiose in thinking you'd want to spend  all your time reading mine.  So I will say farewell, wish you the best 60th birthday along with health, happiness and prosperity, and hope that we get to see each other again very soon.

Love to you and your family,

Cousin Cheryl and her family

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Birthday Big Brother

Al, happy birthday.  I hope this helps make your day even more special.  You have been an amazing brother and mentor to me for as long as I can remember.